Late post, but worth every damn second of it! Got this project basically from pitch to production. We remember vividly throwing the idea (infront of the Board and Management Team) of two Toyota Corollas that were 25 years apart. Having them side by side. Probably the sweetest return was seeing our deck turn into a reality, winning the project and believing it will come to life. And man we did just that! We were blessed that CEO Sir Francis (Dad) and Sir Martin (son) were up for the challenge, and oh boy they were natural talents. We did love shooting the details of both cars, nostalgic and all, but they were pretty dope! Everything just fell into place, the drone shots, the text overlays and supers, plus the grand reveal near the end with Sir Francis and the 25 years of service.
P.S. Used the Canon R5C Cinema Camera on this project shot in ravishing 4K. It has been recently added to Netflix’s list of approved cameras.